Lloyd Owen (1968) Report on Institutional Visits (Turana, Winlaton,Morning Star)Crim A assignment University of Melbourne
Essay for Criminology A - L. Owen- 1968 - University of Melbourne Report on institutional visits. Institutions covered: Turana YTC Royal Park, Winlaton YTC Nunawading, Morning Star YTC Mornington. Plan of Report: Objectives, Description of Institutions, Evaluation, Conclusions (2000 words)
Conference Presentation (2012) ACWA12 Sydney. Promising Outcomes for Early Intervention in Youth Homelessness and Youth Offending
Conference Presentation (2010) Social Climate, Social Ecology and Social Consequences: Are these concepts with legs in family work and out-of-home care. Association of Child Welfare Agencies Conference Sydney August.
Powerpoint Presentation (2010) on working with families for interagency working group on Early Intervention in Youth Homelessness
Discussion paper (2008) on Responding to Youth Violence at Home for Client Services Staff Time for Youth.
Conference Presentation (2008) Looking for Good Practice and Optimal Services for Youth Facing Homelessness with Complex Care Needs. Eusarf Conference Padua Italy March
Conference Presentation (2008) Looking for Good Practice and Optimal Services for Youth Facing Homelessness with Complex Care Needs. ACWA Conference Darling Harbour NSW 19 August.
PhD Thesis (2007) Looking for Good Practice and Optimal Services for Youth Facing Homelessness with Complex Needs. La Trobe University
Conference Paper (2006) Superhumans and Silver Bullets ACWA Conference Darling Harbour NSW 16 August
Journal Article: Owen L., (2005) Whither Youth? Children Australia Vol 30 (4) 33-40
Conference Paper and Presentation (2005) Keynote: :What does youth participation 'look like' with involuntary young people? Engine Innovate Youth Work Conference Port Fairy 13 April
Conference Paper (2003) Asia Pacific Forum on Families – Kuala Lumpur Malaysia June. Starting Them Young: Arenas for decision making for children and youth in care plans, home and community. Published as part of Conference Proceedings
Book Chapter: Owen, L. and Richards, D. (2002) Social Work and Adult Corrections in P.Swain (Ed) In the Shadow of the Law: Sydney: Federation Press Second Edition
Research Report for National Disability Administrators. Owen, L. Gordon, M.., Frederico, M., Cooper, B. (2002) Listen to Us: Supporting Families with children with Disabilities: Identifying service responses that impact on the risk of family breakdown. Melbourne: Victorian Department of Human Services on behalf of National Disability Administrators
Research and Consultation Report for Department of Human Services Hume Region.
Owen, L. and Edwards, J. (2001) Hume Region Adolescent Services Review
Conference Paper (2001) 8th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (Owen, L. and Edwards, J.) Title: Cultivating Concurrent Strategies in a Collaborative Regional Response to Adolescents "At Risk". Included on conference proceedings CD.
Conference Paper (2001) National Face to Face The Current Status of Looking After children in Australia available on web
Conference Paper (2001) ACROD Conference Sydney: July 2001 Supporting families with Children with disabilities. Identifying service responses that impact on the risk of family breakdown.
Conference Paper (2001) CIDA Conference May 2001 Melbourne.: Families – Surviving, Coping or Thriving with a goal of inclusion: What do we know of service responses which help families raising children with a disability?
Conference Paper: (2000) Lifespace, Lifecourse and Lifestyle: Where should we look for resilience or help in the situations of youth at risk?
Research Report: Owen, L., Lunken, T., Davis, C., Cooper, B., Frederico, M. and Keating, T. (2000) Pathways to Interdependence and Independence: The Leaving Care Initiative. A report for the Victorian Department of Human Services. Social Work and Social Policy La Trobe University
Refereed Journal article: Owen L. (1999) Home Based Care, Residential Care and Intensive Family Preservation, Reunification and Support Services: A Perspective from Victoria, Australia. Asia Pacific Families: APFAM Journal Vol. 1 No.2: 3-22.
Evaluation Report with Anne Markiewicz for MacKillop Family Services. Review of RICE Youth Services 1999.
National Guidelines for Early Intervention in Delinquency for AusEInet Australian Early Intervention Network, Flinders University and University of South Australia.
Published Paper and workshop presentation: Owen, L. (1998) Motives, Models and Making it Happen. Proceedings of Inaugural Practice Exchange. Canberra: CAFWAA Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia
Evaluation Report , Owen, L and Davis, C. 1998 Action Research Evaluation of the Family Program, Odyssey House Victoria. Department of Social Work and Social Policy, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Bundoora.
Journal article (brief but refereed) part of published conference proceedings. Owen, L., Corrick. H and Jones, D. 1998 Implementing Looking After Children in Australia Children and Society Vol 12 :240-241. London: John Wiley and Sons.
Book Chapter: Owen, L. and Carroll, M. 1997 A Research Agenda for Juvenile Delinquency in Australia in Borowski, A. and O'Connor, I.(Eds.) Juvenile Crime, Justice and Corrections Addison Wesley Longman.
Paper published in Conference Proceedings: 1997 Ryan, M. and Owen, L. 'Education for the Improvement of Quality: A case study of teaching evaluation to social work students,' Paper presented to the Australasian Evaluation Society conference, Wellington, New Zealand, August, 9pp
Conference paper Owen. L. and McMenamin. B.1996.Seeking Solutions to Threats on the Pathway for Youth: An illustration from the campaign to End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism. presented to the IUCISD Conference Oporto Portugal July 1996 click to view
Book Chapter: Owen, L. and Picton, C. 1996 Trading in Women in Ismael, J. (Ed) International Social Welfare in a Changing World Calgary: Destelig Enterprises.
Book Chapter: Owen, L and Richards, D. 1995 Social Work and Corrections in Swain, P. (Ed) In the Shadow of the Law Melbourne: The Federation Press.
Evaluation Report: Picton, C., Cooper, B. and Owen, L. 1996 Evaluation of the Relocation of the Aradale and Mayday Hills Clients Project. Melbourne: Human Resource Centre, La Trobe University.
Evaluation Report: Picton, C., Cooper, B., Owen, L. with Chanty, R. 1996 Evaluation of the Relocation of Caloola Clients Project: A Three Year Follow-Up of Former Caloola Training Centre Clients. Melbourne: Human Resource Centre, La Trobe University.
Evaluation Report: Owen, L., Cooper, B., Barber, J. Picton, C. Frederico, M. 1994 Relocation of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Victoria: Final Report. Melbourne: Human Resource Centre, La Trobe University.
Refereed Journal Article: 1994 Barber, J., Cooper, B.K., Owen, L., The Short Term Effects of Relocation on the Intellectually Disabled Research on Social Work Practice Vol.4 No2 April 1994 248-258
Report for (ILO) International Labour Organisation Cox, D., Owen, L. And Picton, C. 1994 Asian Women Migrant Workers :Maximising the Benefits of Their Experiences. Bundoora: Regional Social Development Centre, La Trobe University.
Evaluation Report: for Victorian Department of Health and Community Services. Walters, R., Thomas, G. And Owen, L. 1994 Towards the Top of the Tariff: An Evaluation of the Victorian Youth Attendance Order. Bundoora: National Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, La Trobe University.
Published Conference Paper: Owen, L., Cooper, B. and Barber, J. 1994 Learning Through Doing: An Account of Student Participation in a Public Sector Evaluation. In Advances in Social Work Education1994. Perth: The Heads of Schools of Social Work in Australia in association with The University of Western Australia.
Published Conference Paper: Owen, L. 1993 High Tariff Intervention in Atkinson, L and Gerull, S. Proceedings of the National Conference on Juvenile Detention. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Journal Articles in Australian Child and Family Welfare (1985) Volume 10 Guest Editorial and articles in three parts 'Observations on the Themes of IYY '85' part 1 Development, part 2 Participation, part 3 Peace.
Master of Social Work Thesis (1982) Owen, L. Spheres of Influence. Monash University