- Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service Preston
- Melanesian Institute Papua New Guinea, Youth Needs Study
- Contracted work for United Nations through ILO and Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment Evaluation of the Gulf Returnees Counselling Program and further work related to labour migration and migrant women workers
- Chairperson of a Ministerial Inquiry into the Death of a Child
- Principal Investigator Evaluation of Relocation of Intellectually Disabled People from Institutions to the Community
- Organisational Development Consultancy Resource Protection Branch Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Consultancy in Sri Lanka with Migrant Women Workers program
- Evaluation of Victorian Youth Attendance Order
- Evaluation Eleanor Nicholson Family Counselling Centre
- Follow up study on the closure of Caloola
- Consultancy and Evaluation of the relocation of clients from Aradale and Mayday Hills to the community
- Staff supervision, case consultancy and staff development contract with LifeWorks (formerly Anglican Marriage Education and Counselling)
- Consultancy in induction program for child protection workers, with two other academics conducting theory and practice seminars for new workers
- Contract evaluation of the Family Program Odyssey House
- Training for DHS (Victorian Department of Human Services) "Working with Young People for Managers"
- Training strategies project for palliative care workers and interpreters
- Contract to review Rice Youth Services and develop with the agency a practice model for relocation and redevelopment of an integrated education and residential service for young people aged 9-15
- Contract with AusEinet (Federally funded early intervention network mental health and young people) to develop National Guidelines for Early Intervention in relation to delinquency
- Contract with DHS to research and develop a practice model for young people leaving care
- Evaluation of Program examining the use of a Voice Recognition Computer program by clients with Intellectual Disability
- Contract DHS administered on behalf of National Disability Services Administators to examine resilience in families looking after children with disabilities
- Review of secondary/and tertiary services for adolescents in Hume Region
- Consultancy for development of a discussion paper on Restoration House for Barwon Youth Accommodation Service. (BYAS)(January-March)
- Consultancy SHARC (Self Help Addiction Resource Centre) obtaining service user input via facilitation of focus groups as part of delphi input to an APSU/Turning Point Contract evaluating the current form of the Victorian Client Satisfaction Survey for Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services
- Pro Bono Papers for 'Time for Youth" on youth violence at home and early intervention with families facing youth homelessness
- Called as a witness for the Royal Commission into Institutional responses to Child Sexual Abuse
- Providing expert opinion for historic sexual abuse cases.